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What if flying was not a matter of waiting in line, rushing or price? What if flying was a matter of discovery, freedom, and sharing?
That’s what Wingly believes in, and why we come to work every day; to build a trusted, international community uniting pilots and passengers that continues to grow. Taking thousands of people under our wing every year to explore the most beautiful landscapes from a unique point of view and make unforgettable memories.
Together, we reinvent the meaning of flying. We are democratising mankind’s oldest dream.
Click on "Visit Website" to learn more now!
The Story It all started with a meeting between three aviation and entrepreneurship enthusiasts, each having had the idea of flight sharing even before getting to know each other: Emeric de Waziers, Bertrand Joab-Cornu and Lars Klein. In Europe, there are 10 million seats that remain empty per year due to the lack of passengers accompanying private pilots. Whilst flying is an expensive passion for pilots, private aviation is often considered a luxury reserved for the elite. What if we were to democratise private aviation and redesign the experience within the collaborative economy to provide millions of passengers with a unique, affordable aviation experience? Click on "Visit Website" to learn more now and start flying today!