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Good boats, stories, and how-tos with real mariners from Downeast Maine to Down Under. Off Center Harbor is a hub of authentic maritime knowledge bringing people inside the world of good boats - like how to build, buy, and repair them, and how to use, love, and enjoy them. Click on "Visit Website" to see more videos now!
Good boats, stories, and how-tos with real mariners from Downeast Maine to Down Under. Off Center Harbor is a hub of authentic maritime knowledge bringing people inside the world of good boats - like how to build, buy, and repair them, and how to use, love, and enjoy them. Click on "Visit Website" to see more videos now!
Good boats, stories, and how-tos with real mariners from Downeast Maine to Down Under. Off Center Harbor is a hub of authentic maritime knowledge bringing people inside the world of good boats - like how to build, buy, and repair them, and how to use, love, and enjoy them. Click on "Visit Website" to see more videos now!