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Ghost town bought with cash by Indian Entrepreneur

Ghost town bought with cash by Indian Entrepreneur  


9 years ago

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Special Occasion

Krishnan Suthanthiran traveled to Canada from India in September 1969 after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Mechanical Engineering from University of Madras, India, to pursue his Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. He arrived with a total of 400 Canadian Dollars. Subsequently, he received
a National Research Council of Canada Research Assistantship which helped him to meet his financial needs. All
of his college education was financed using his merit scholarship and Research Assistantship. He graduated with a
Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1971 from Carleton University. He moved to the United States in 1972
and worked as an Engineer Physicist at Howard University Hospital in Washington, DC, USA until 1978.
He has founded and invested hundreds of millions of US dollars globally during the past 40 years, in medical
products manufacturing, healthcare delivery, real estate, entertainment, and energy companies. His family of medical
companies is known collectively as TeamBest. He founded and supports a few non-profit charitable organizations to
make quality education and healthcare affordable and accessible globally. He has contributed substantially to setting
up endowed chair and endowments for scholarships at various universities. He has provided significant funding to
support medical research and treatment by partnering with academic institutions, national labs, and hospitals around
the world.
Having lost his father to cancer while he was an undergraduate student in engineering, he has dedicated his career
to cancer research and treatment. TeamBest products are used to treat millions of cancer patients globally. On April
29th 2015, in memory of his father and the millions of people affected by cancer, he launched his career-long goal
of a ‘Global War on Cancer’ (see press release: https://www.prbuzz.com/health-a-fitness/310650-global-war-oncancer-launched-by-best-cure-foundation-and-teambest-companies.html)
promoting Proactive Healthcare Delivery
Systems worldwide, which are focused on transparency of clinical benefits, outcome, and cost. Using a Total Health
Approach through prevention, early detection, and effective treatment, improvement of clinical outcomes are possible
at a significantly lower cost. TeamBest and Best Cure Foundation (BCF) are planning to create a global standard of
healthcare delivery system using a hub-and-spoke model, with express and mobile clinics linked to general medical
centers and super specialty medical centers. Best Cure Foundation is also working towards providing purified drinking
water and affordable sewer systems in every part of the world, by the end of the next decade.
He has established a division under BCF called “3E – Education, Empowerment and Equality” to promote the
development and advancement of women. It is his belief that every man and woman was given birth to, nursed,
and nourished by women, and therefore, they share a greater responsibility in juggling career and family, in raising
children and caring for the home. In memory of his mother, Krish is proud to support women around the world in
pursuing their goals through the 3E organization.
He is planning to establish a multi-phased energy project in the town of Kitsault, British Columbia, Canada, which
he owns in its entirety, under Kitsault Energy. This project is estimated to cost $30 to 40 Billion over 7–10 years for
establishing a dedicated energy corridor from northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta to Kitsault; an export
terminal and port for shipping energy products to Asia and Latin America. Currently, Kitsault Energy is working with
multiple partners who have expressed desire to invest in this project and to be part of a group of customers for the
energy products.
Founder and President of TeamBest Companies, Best Cure Foundation, and Kitsault Energy
For more information, please visit:

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