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PD TECHNOLOGY is a leading company in the private and commercial security industry , and is official PROTECT PROFESSIONAL POINT of the most manufacturer important company worldwide of fog for safety: PROTECT
The PROTECT Fog Cannon is designed to ensure erogation in a few seconds of a dense impenetrable fog, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and without damaging the environment. Saturating in a short time the area to be protected, PROTECT, disorienting and neutralizes the robber, putting him in the position of not being able to see a few inches away.
The System PROTECT, used for years with great success in the countries of northern Europe and in 48 countries around the world have proven the only solution, economical and ideal for any environment, be able to prevent theft.
With PROTECT you can protect any space, from the smallest as the corner in a clothing store up to enormous size environments such as warehouses or entire supermarkets. In fact the range PROTECT is designed to offer flexible solutions to your needs, thanks to the combination and the ability to configure multiple models at the same alarm system.
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