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In 2012, we started Dude Wipes out of our apartment in Chicago, IL. Whether it was some unexpected physical activity or the aftermath of the lunchtime burrito, we were destined to smell. So we set out to change history and the bathroom forever by creating the Award Winning Dude Wipes. These flushable wipes are GUARANTEED to combat stank and put you back on your game wherever or whenever nature calls.
The Dude Wipe Let It Rip Ultra Portable: Single Flushable Wipes Huge 44 Square Inch Size Vitamin E & Soothing Aloe Alcohol Free & Quick Drying Tested by Scientist & Doctor Dudes Flushable Wipes (Sewer/Septic) Magical Cool Dude Powers 10% of Proceeds Donated to The Colon Club Charity.