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Intro by littleBits founder & CEO, Ayah Bdeir -- littleBits Education Code Kit 

7 years ago

We're supercharging the Coding Revolution with our Code Kit -- the very first game-based coding and engineering toolbox for education. Join Ayah Bdeir, founder and CEO of littleBits, as she details our product development journey and the exciting opportunities that are available to you and your students. Check out our Code Kit Educator Resources to learn more by clicking on "Visit Website" in orange now.
Quizbits, a Rule Your Room Invention by Anoushka Banerjee Invent a quiz game with the Rule Your Room Kit! Using a pencil and Makey Makey, you can transform plain index cards into buzzing game pieces. Click below to learn more now...
littleBits Mars Rover Learn how NASA scientists are able to explore new worlds! This Mars rover, based off NASA's Opportunity, gathers and displays light information from the environment as it drives. Control it wirelessly using the remote trigger and a household remote control! NASA engineers send instructions to the rovers via radio communications. Depending on where the planets are in their orbits, a radio signal traveling at the speed of light will arrive on Mars between just over 3 minutes or as long as 20 minutes. Due to these time delays it is impossible to communicate with and control the rover in real time. To send instructions to rovers on Mars, NASA scientists must have a line-of-sight between Earth and Mars. Occasionally Earth and Mars are on opposite sides of the sun, called conjunction. During this time, the sun can disrupt or block radio communication between the two planets. Click below to learn more now...