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POLICE: the new TacBook is proving to be the best field guide for you! 

5 years ago

Currently assigned to sworn uniform patrol as Field Training Officer (FTO), Officer Marcus Mahanty holds numerous certifications such as Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Instructor, CA POST Academy Instructor (AICC) and Intermediate Instructor with the Instructor Development Institute (IDI). Prior to his work in law enforcement, Mahanty was Assistant Programs Director at a multi-jurisdictional correctional facility as well as Corrections Officer, Emergency Medical Technician and a US Marine. As a military officer, Mahanty served as a Motor Transport Platoon Commander and Battalion Staff Logistics Officer, with combat deployments to Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.
Officer Mahanty designed and edited the TacBook based on his extensive training and experience in a range of tactical and combat environments. TacBook filters only what is essential to the field operator and has been referred to as “a master-compilation of cheat sheets”. Pocket-sized, writable, weather-proof and tear-resistant, it is an indispensable tool for students of criminal justice, Cadets / Explorers, recruits, rookies, patrol officers, Field Training Officers and experienced law enforcement officers nationwide. Click on "Visit Website" to learn more now...