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Inside the cockpit of the Rotax 912iS-powered Zenith STOL CH 750
Light Sport Aircraft Regulations
The STANDARD Zenith CH750 STOL kit aircraft meets the definition of a Light-Sport Aircraft as defined by “Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft” (7/20/04). A Sport Pilot may fly any aircraft that meets the definition of a Light-Sport Aircraft, and such aircraft does not need to change its certification category to be operated by a Sport Pilot.
Zenith Aircraft Company cannot guarantee that the aircraft, as constructed by the builder, will meet the definition of a Light-Sport Aircraft. Due to the gross weight and stall speed limitations of the Sport Pilot / Light-Sport Aircraft category, it is recommended that the aircraft be kept “as light as possible” if planning to operate the aircraft in this category. Larger and heavier engines and other installed equipment will limit the useful load of the aircraft, and may disqualify the aircraft from meeting the defined category limits.